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Get to Know Kari
September 11, 2018

A bit of trivia about me is that I like to travel.

One of my most interesting trips was to Svalbard. Ever heard of it? I hadn't until God gave me a dream one night that Norway went all the way to the top of the world. I knew it physically didn't but couldn't wait to take a look at the world map hanging in our recreation room.

Sure enough, there were islands near the top of the world that belonged to Norway! And so I discovered Svalbard.

I finally went there after I worked up the nerve to go. I don't like being cold.

Quick facts about Svalbard.

- World's most northern community.

- Wild reindeer wander around the small town of Longyearbyen.

- World's most northern church is Lutheran.

- Polar bears are very dangerous. (A week prior to my visit there a young woman was killed by a polar bear.)

- If leaving the city limits, it's a law that you must carry a gun.

- University students must bring guns to school. Their dorm is outside of city limits. Very strange to see a gun hanging on each school locker.

- Snowmobiling heaven. No trees or fences.

Photo I took while snowmobiling

- Trees once grew there. I bought a fossil found on Svalbard, of a large maple tree leaf, in a little shop in Barentsburg.

- Russian city of Barentsburg can only be reached by ship or snowmobile.

- Water in the sea there is icy cold. (I know, I just had dip my toes in.)

- Great place for dog sledding...if you like dog sledding.

That's me on the left all set to go snowmobiling!

My next adventure? A trip to Alaska to visit my brother, Duane and wife, Rena, at Ose Mountain where they've hand built a wonderful log lodge. It's only accessible by plane or a several day hike.

So, now you know a little bit more about me.

I'd like to know more about you! Where is one of your favorite places to visit?

Thanks for taking the time to read.

God bless, Kari

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