Blue Mussel Pearls for Sale 10 grams - 50 carats

Blue Mussel Pearls - Large assortment

Blue Mussel Pearls - Large assortment

Type of pearl: Blue Mussel

Carat Weight: 10 grams or 50 carats (total of group for sale)

Shape: Round, Baroque

Size: from 1mm to 7 mm

Colors: White, Silver, Blue, Black, Purple, Bi-color, Tricolor

Location of Origin: North Sea

I found these pearls while I was fishing in Norway. I was pleasantly surprised to find the pearls while trying to eat mussels.

Price: $950 for 10 grams (50 carats)

You are buying 10 grams (50 carats) of blue mussel pearls. You may purchase more than 10 grams.

Number of Grams

Comments for Blue Mussel Pearls for Sale 10 grams - 50 carats

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Mar 24, 2023
Keep don’t toss!!!
by: AnoAlicianymous

I was eating a mussel and bit into a pearl. The same thing happened to me when chopping clams to make chowder. OMG!!! That was years ago and I tossed them in with the shells

May 05, 2016
So many amazing things
by: Anonymous

There are so many amazing things folks could do with 10 grams of blue mussel pearls, like make clusters of grapes for one example.

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