15mm Quahog Pearl Ring

by Roni W. Abbott
(Cornerville, Tn)

15mm Quahog Pearl Ring

15mm Quahog Pearl Ring

My Grandfather was a clamer all his life. He was born in 1926 and has sinced past. He found many pearls in the clams he harvested from his clam grounds in the Chincoteague bay, Virginia. All shapes, colors and sizes. One day he found a beautiful pearl and had it made into a ring for my Gandmother in the late 1930s early 1940s.

This ring has been in my family since its harvest.

The pearl is about 15mm and very beautiful.

Upon reading the headlines on AOL this morning about the quahog pearl found in Florida, I remembered having several of them in the size found. I went into my jewelry box and found several that my Grandfather had found and kept but have never been made into rings.

I began my search on the internet and began to wonder about the ring I am so in love with because it is a family heirloom.

I am really wondering about the value potential of this ring and the pearls.

Any comments would be appreciated.

Thank You,
Roni W. Abbott

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Nov 08, 2012
from chincoteague too
by: Anonymous

I was born on Chincoteague myself and my dad gave me a big purple quahog pearl that he found on pony penning day back in the 50's. I also bought on on ebay that is 16mm but it is white.

Nick Hill
Deephole Hills

Oct 06, 2012
Quahog Pearls - Extremely Valuable
by: Tina Murphy

October 6, 2012

I am watching a special on TV about a man who bought a pendant in an antique store. It caught his eye so he purchased it for $14.00. He did alot of research and found out this broach with one large uahog Pearl in the middle and one hanging down below is worth %600,000.00!!!! Wow - do your research and pay an expert. I believe you can far more than $200/carat. Good Luck!!

Tina Murphy
Los Angeles, CA

Jul 31, 2011
quahog pearl
by: jetta

Ron, I hope that by now you've learned that the pearls your father found are VERY valuable. Melissa Bailey, of Bailey Jewelers in Princess Anne, is helping me learn the true value of my quahog pearl. You can check my website to learn about my pearl. jettajeanreynolds.com

Jan 04, 2008
Gorgeous Ring and Peal!
by: Kari

My, what a gorgeous large lavender pearl and tastefully designed ring. It is very beautiful!

I've written to two fellows who purchase Quahog pearls and what they are willng to pay is maybe disappointing, and I also don't think their offer includes the lovely ring, just the pearl.

One offered $2,000-$2,500 depending on how the top looks and whether or not it has any cracks.

The other offered $200/carat, so that depends on the weight. Maybe a local jeweler could help you out there by weighing your pearl.

At least this give you a current market ballpark figure. Maybe after the sale of the Golash Brooch prices will be higher. We'll have to wait and see.

Thanks so much for sharing your lovely gem with us!


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