3 Quahog Pearls

by stephen perkins

3 Quahog pearls

3 Quahog pearls

I have found 3 quahog pearls so far. I grow clams here on eastern shore va was wondering what they were worth one is purple and has white rings around it flat at the bottom one is purple with a hint of white on the top flat at the bottom one is white gray and light brown and is cylinder shape.

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Jul 28, 2013
I found a pearl
by: Anonymous

We were eating steam clams for dinner last night. I ate one and thought I broke a tooth but it was a pearl. it is round and white, If I can figure out how to post a picture on your sight I will. I did post one on my facebook. I still can't believe it!

May 06, 2013
Lucky you to have 3 quahog pearls!
by: Kari

Hi Stephen,

First of all it think it's amazing that you grow clams. I've only heard about folks finding them but never actually growing them.

Second, you are fortunate to have found 3 quahog pearls as they are very rare. Some folks have searched all their lives and never found one.

Third, yes they have value. They are valued by carat weight. EGL lab in NYC appraises them between $200-$800/carat depending upon size, color, shape, etc.

Yours are nice but not large sizes.

I think it would be very smart to start collecting these rare pearls.

Contact me if you'd like to list yours for sale on my site.

Much appreciation for sharing!

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