CapeCod Pearl

by JMichael Bean
(Bourne, MA)

Cape Cod Pearl

Cape Cod Pearl

I found this today while making lunch. I picked the oysters fresh yesterday.

What should I do with it?
How do I remove it?

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May 25, 2013
Large pearl
by: Kari

Hi JMichael,

That's quite a large pearl for that oyster. I'm assuming when you say "picked fresh" you harvested it yourself? I wonder how it could even close with that large pearl bulging on it. Pearls attached to the shell are called blister pearls. Sometimes they can be "knocked" off gently, sometimes they need to be cut out leaving some shell beneath it. Sometimes, however, it's best to leave them attached and keep it as a keepsake conversation piece. Your pearl also looks gray. Is it? That might have more value than an ordinary white pearl. Maybe you should call the news about it. I think it's very unusual and rare. Personally, I would keep it attached as most collectors would like to see it in the original state. What should you do with it? If you want to try and sell it, you are welcome to list it on my site. Send me a message on my contact form and I will tell you what to do. Thank you for sharing and also for the great photo!

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