King Charles I Prayers

Prayers of and for Charles I (1600-1649), King and Martyr

O Lord,
make thy way
plain before me.

Let thy glory
be my end,
thy word my rule.

And then, thy will
be done.

Another Prayer by the Martyr-King

Almighty and most merciful Father, look down upon us. Thy unworthy servants, who here prostrate ourselves at the footstool of They throne of grace.

Look upon us, O Father, through the mediation and in the merits of Jesus Christ, in Whom only thou art well pleased for of ourselves we are not worthy to stand before Thee.

As in sin we were born, so we have broken Thy commandments, by thought, words, and works.

We confess, O Lord, that it is They mercy which endureth for ever.

Thy compassion which never fails, which is the cause that we have not been consumed.

With Thee there is mercy and plenteous redemption: in the multitude of Thy mercies and by the merits of Jesus Christ, enter not into judgment with Thy servants, but be Thou merciful unto us, and wash away all our sins with that precious blood which our Saviour shed for us.

Purify our hearts by Thy Holy Spirit, and as Thou dost add days to our lives, so good Lord, we beseech Thee, to add repentance to our days, that when we have passed this mortal life we may be partakers of Thine everlasting Kingdom; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

From Eikon Basilike, purported to be the meditation of Charles I, and long so regarded; it was published about the date of his execution in 1649.

O Lord, the Governor of all things, set bounds to our passions, to our errors by truth, to our discontents by good laws justly executed, and to our divisions by charity, that we may be , as thy Jerusalem, a country at unity in itself. Grant this, O God, in thy good time and for ever, for Christ's sake.

Prayer FOR King Charles I

The Accession service (On the anniversary of the Day of Accession of the Reigning Sovereign)

O Lord, thou hast dealt graciously with our land: and we thy unworthy creatures acknowledge ourselves infinitely blessed in thy servant our dread Sovereign King Charles, whom thou hast chosen and anointed to rule over us: and we are at this time here gathered together before heaven and before thee, to make grateful commemoration of the time, and of the day wherein this Thine unspeakable goodness began to be poured upon us, and to offer up our vows and sacrifices of thanksgiving, and praise unto thy glorious Name, which cannot worthily of us be praised; humbly beseeching thee to accept the unworthy oblation of ourselves, vowing all obedience in though, word and work unto thy divine Majesty, and promising in thee, and for thee unto this our King all loyal and faithful allegiance, and to his seed, his heirs and successors after him in all generations, whom we beseech thee to follow with all increasing honour and happiness in this world, and to crown with immortality, and glory in the world to come, for Jesus Christ his sake our only Lord and Saviour. Amen

Whew! I was going to space this prayer for Charles I out some and realized that it is only one sentence! I think we in our modern world have lost the ability to make sentences this complex...

HarleyGallery-Charles I

Read about this king's famous pearl.

Speech before his execution.

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