Could it be a pearl?

by Monica Carey
(Johnstown, New York, USA)

I visited Gibbys in Old Montreal this weekend and ordered OYSTERS ON THE HALF SHELL. As I ate one, I thought I felt a broken piece of the shell in my mouth. Without spitting the oyster onto my plate, I carefully and subtly removed the object from my mouth only to find it was NOT a piece of the shell but actually looked kind of like a popcorn kernel!

After looking at it closer, I started wondering if it could be a pearl? It was very exciting so if it is a pearl, I'm lucky and honored to have been blessed with this rare opportunity. I would like to somehow make it into a small keepsake necklace.

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Jun 18, 2015
Yes, it could be a pearl and probably is!
by: Kari

Hi Monica,

Yes, it could be a pearl and probably is!

Happy day and it sounds like you will be treasuring and enjoying it.

Thanks for sharing!

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