Could this be a pearl?

by Rick Smith
(Inverness fl. USA)

Could this be a pearl?

Could this be a pearl?

I was snorkeling at Fort de Soto, Beach FL, looking for sand dollars in knee deep water,when I came upon this cream colored marble sized hopefully pearl. Hopefully somebody can identify it.

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Sep 16, 2014
It looks like there are lines in it
by: Kari

To your question, Edilio, it looks non-nacreous.

It also appears to have lines or streaks in it which would indicate it to be a type of shell which grows in horizontal layers as opposed to a pearl which grows concentrically from the inside out.

It might just be a rounded piece of shell.

Please let us know if you have an expert look at it in person.

Sep 15, 2014
conch maybe
by: Anonymous

It looks alot like an old white conch pearl. Who knows how long it's been tumbling around on the ocean floor. Some queen conch actually live there full life in the ocean and then die. Take to a professional and have it looked at.

Sep 11, 2014
by: Edilio

Hi Kari!
Is it nacreus or no nacreus pearl by your opinion?

Sep 11, 2014
by: Edilio

Hi Kari!
Is it nacreus or no nacreus pearl by your opinion?

Sep 10, 2014
Hard to tell from a photo
by: Kari

Hi Rick, It is impossible to tell from a photo. Have you had a chance to show it to any professionals? If so, what did they say? We'd love to hear the results. Thanks for sharing.

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