I found a lavender Pear tonight at dinner

by Michelle Connors
(Wellington, Fl , USA)

lavender pearl found at dinner

lavender pearl found at dinner

I was eating steamed clams at bonefish mac in Welinngton Florida tonight and bit into this pearl.

The picture really does not show the color it is lavender but slightly light on one side it's round no flat sides and about 1/4 inch not sure if this is a find.

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Mar 09, 2013
Probably a quahog pearl
by: Kari

Hi Michelle,

What you found is probably a quahog pearl. You can see some for sale here on my site.

Quahog pearls and other natural pearls are normally appraised by carat weight. Value depends upon factors such a surface, luster (although quahog pearls being non-nacreous do not have traditional luster), size, shape, color, etc.

The EGL lab in New York City is known to appraise quahog pearls between $200-$800/carat. Some folks speculate that their worth is much higher because of their beauty and rarity.

Maybe a kind jeweler would weigh you pearl in carats and you could make an estimate from there.

So, yes, your natural pearl has value and congratulations for the find. It most certainly is something to treasure and keep. It is a rare USA natural pearl!

Mar 09, 2013
is this worth anything
by: MIchelle

Was wodering if this has any value to it..

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