Katrina Oyster Pearl

by Pamela Levi
(Columbia, SC)

Katrina Oyster Pearl

Katrina Oyster Pearl

I was eating dinner at a wonderful restaurant called "Goatfeathers" in Columbia, SC just last night, February 17, 2012. We were enjoying oyster/spinach pizza when I bit down on something hard. After feeling that it was round (and swallowing my food) I pulled this breathtaking white pearl. The owner of the restaurant was sitting at my table & witnessed the entire event. He was more excited than I was. He said the oysters were from Louisiana. He called it a Katrina oyster. As a child, he shucked oysters with his dad. He was very impressed with the size, quality and weight. This little precious is heavy! How exciting!

Size: .27 grams
.22 - .25 diameter

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Jun 19, 2013
Beautiful specimen!
by: Anonymous

I'm so glad the restaurant owner was there to share in your excitement. Your pearl sure is a beaut, good size and color; congratulations!!

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