Large Baroque Abalone Pearl - Need Appraisal!!

by Barbara
(Northern California)

My husband and I were on an adventure excursion in Northern California and found this amazing abalone pearl on the morning of my 30th Birthday, a true gift from mother nature. It is a very large baroque shaped pearl, but it has a somewhat dull appearance, as though it needs a good polish, but I am afraid to polish it myself, best left to a professional. The whole shell looks to have been battered in the sea for quite some time after the abalone inside perished. The pearl is fused to the shell. I have seen many smaller abalone pearls in person and usually the "wing" shape. This is the biggest I've seen and a different shape than most. I am looking to get it polished and appraised. Does anyone know of any good appraisers in the Northern California area who could appraise a piece like this?? I would appreciate any references or feedback, on appraisal or just response to the photos. Thanks Folks!

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Mar 04, 2019
Send me a message
by: Kari

Hello Anonymous,

Please contact me and I'll give you the name of a friend who appraises abalone pearls.


Oct 18, 2018
Abalone Pearl
by: Anonymous

Abalone pearl
I found an Abalone pearl.
How can I get it apraised

May 25, 2016
I agree
by: Kari

Hi Barbara, I agree with Abalone Guy, you have an amazing specimen there of an abalone blister pearl and that in itself is worth much, no matter what monetary value is placed on it.

Someone on Facebook is asking to see a photo of the other side.

May 24, 2016
More than $
by: Abaloneguy

If it turns out not to be valuable,who cares. The memory and story is worth 100 times more. I display my prize shells on plate holders. I smile inside and remember the dive I found them on. 30 years of diving and I display 4 shells.

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