Mothers Aniversary gift

by Emma lloyd
(Windsor, UK)

My parents lived in Kuwait for a number of years and for their last anniversary there my father bought her a wonderful gift.

My mother is a very vivacious lady and she and my father made friends with a gem and pearl dealer in Kuwait City. My father and he spent several months matching a 16" strand of almost perfectly round, natural gulf pearls, they are white with a very slight blush pink, about 1 cm in diameter and every group of five is split with an 18c gold spacer, they are simply the most beautiful pearls I have ever seen.

Some years later, for their pearl anniversary my father went to Harrods to match a bracelet for her, it took months and close to £1000 but he got a fairly good match, they aren't gulf pearls but about as close as we'll get without going back to Kuwait, Sadly i don't have a photo on me (I'm at work shhhh)but they are truly beautiful and as my sister doesn't like pearls one day they will be mine.

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Feb 23, 2015
Wish you had a photo
by: Kari

Hi, Wow, what a treasure...a necklace of round 1cm Basra pearls from the Persian Gulf. It would be very valuable especially with a pinkish blush to them. Please send over a photo when you get time to get one. Lucky to you inherit them someday!

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