Mystery Stone From The Bahamas

by Lavade Darling
(The Bahamas )

Mystery Stone

Mystery Stone

Hi, found this pearl on a sandy Nassau beach. Would greatly appreciate your help in identifying it with a view to having it's value appraised. This stone is approximately 0.75 inches in diameter and looks to be about 12 karats. It is also multi-coloured blue green and not perfectly round in shape.

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Apr 21, 2009
I suggest
by: Kari

Hi, That's a lovely stone. Although it is difficult to tell much from only a photo, I do not think it is a pearl. I suggest you send it to the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) lab for testing. They should be able to identify it for you.

Here is the GIA website:

Thank you for sharing your discovery. Please let me know what you find out about it.

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