Wife found pearl in oyster

by Homer Burton

tri-colored pearl

tri-colored pearl

We were enjoying our appetizer of fried oysters at a restaurant when my wife bit down on something hard. She removed it and found that it was a pearl about the size of a small pea. Part of it is black. Is it worth anything? Can it be polished?

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Jun 09, 2008
polishing pearls
by: Kari

Hi, Wow! Another pearl found! We love hearing about that here at KariPearls.com.

Luster is the most important pearl factor and a pearl with high luster will be worth more than one with a dull surface. Shape, size, surface condition and color will also be factors in determining price.

Your pearl sounds very interesting with three colors.

As for polishing pearls. Here is what pearl expert, George Kunz, has to say in his pearl book published in 1908.

You may also enjoy reading what Kunz says about peeling pearls.

Thank you so much for sharing! Not everyone finds a pearl. It's very special to have a natural pearl you've found yourself.

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