12+ mm white natural saltwater pearl

by Sarajane

12+ mm white natural saltwater pearl

12+ mm white natural saltwater pearl

I was shucking oysters one fine winder evening when I noticed a bump under the thin layer skin of a raw oyster that I was about to belly up.. after piercing the unidentified object through the top layer of my dinner, came out the largest, Almost perfectly round, and whitest pearl I’ve ever laid my eyes on…just sitting there, in the palm of my hand. What a treasure to find! Out of pure curiosity, I’d like to know it’s value!

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May 23, 2024
Lovely pearl
by: Kari

That's a lovely pearl. Lucky you. Take a look at this page and compare to some on that page: Saltwater natural pearls

Since natural pearls are most often sold by weight, you should get yours weighed.

I hope that helps some.

Will you have a special piece of jewelry made from it? If so, I'd like to see it.

God bless and thanks for sharing. Kari

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