All Areas in Southwest New Brunswick Closed to Molluscan Shellfish Harvesting

by Canada News Centre

Dartmouth, N.S. - Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) advises the public that the harvesting of bi-valve molluscs, including oysters, clams, mussels, scallops and quahogs, for recreational or commercial purposes is prohibited until further notice in all areas of Southwest New Brunswick. The area affected is all waters within 1.6 kilometres of the shoreline, from Nova Scotia to the US border. Coordinates of the area are outlined below.

This is a precautionary closure by CFIA due to an expected heavy rainfall which could increase levels of Bacterial Shellfish Poisoning.

Coordinates of closure:

The foreshore and waters within 1.6 km of Southwest New Brunswick from the Nova Scotia border along the coast of New Brunswick to the United States border and the foreshore and waters within 1.6 km of the Islands of Grand Manan, The Wolves, Bliss, Hills, Frye, Deer and Campobello.

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