So what makes this Pearl, Ruby, and Diamond Pendant Special? It belonged to Russian ballerina, Anna Pavlova...that's what.
Anna Pavlova (12 February 1881 - 23 January 1931) was a famous Russian ballerina during the first part of the 20th century.

Pavlova Pearl Pendant
I was thrilled to see this pearl pendant and accompanying photo in a shop window as I passed by in London.
Keeping my eyes open for pearl items as I pass jewelry stores often pays off like when I spotted this vintage pearl pendant once owned by Anna. Antique, vintage and natural pearl items are my favorite pieces of jewelry to discover and learn about.

Pavlova Pearl Pendant London
Taking a photo through a window just doesn't do justice to this photograph of Anna Pavlova or to the Anna Pavlova pearl pendant. She looks stunningly feminine in this romantic pose. I couldn't see if she was wearing the pendant in the photo. If so, it would greatly increase the value of the pendant.
That's something to keep in mind when putting a value on items. If you have a photo of someone wearing a piece of jewelry...keep it with the item, by all means. When/if you want to sell the jewelry it will be worth more when its provenance is known.
Concerning natural pearls, the British Museum's extensive collection of natural pearl pendants filled many of my hours with taking photos and gathering information.
But, back to Anna Pavlova and her pearl pendant. Sorry, I forget the exact store I saw this in...I really need to improve my researching skills! It was probably at the Burlington Arcade, near London's upper class Bond Street

Burlington Arcade London
Also in this arcade, at Milleperle, I had the joy of trying on a super expensive silver baroque pearl necklace. Not very many pearl stores offer to let me try on a necklace, so when that happens it's very exciting for me.
I chose one that caught my eye in the window. It looked super with my silver hair. The only draw back from my buying it was the price, which was more than we paid for our entire sheep farm here in Muscatine, Iowa. The necklace price was $80,000! Of course, I was offered a discount...

Burlington Arcade London
On the right of the above photo is one of two Milleperle stores in the Burlington Arcade. I'd put a better photo of this store on my website, but I was forbidden to take photos of their windows....oh my...what was their worry? I'm not sure, but I didn't want to cross their wishes, especially after they kindly offered and let me try on one of their most expensive pearl necklaces.
So, yes, Anna Pavlova probably owned many fine pieces of jewelry and this pearl pendant undoubtedly has brought great joy to its new owners. I didn't notice a sale price...perhaps it was a collection piece...and once again, I'm not sure...
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