Are These Pearls?

by Dennis Harvey
(berlin, nh)

Are these pearls?

Are these pearls?

While working in Grand Isle, Vermont, doing cable tv construction, I discovered my 3 pearls at a base of a telephone pole. Looks like there was a tall tree in the way of pole line so they cleared the tree. I think maybe a bird or something had mussel up in tree and discarded them. I was lucky to pick them up. Still having problem finding out if real. Feel gritty on teeth so i think they are real.

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Jun 23, 2010
Could be
by: Anonymous

They could be pearls. There used to be an ancient sea covering parts of Vermont. For more info on that, search the web for info about the whale skeleton found in Vt.

Oct 19, 2009
by: Kari

Hello Dennis,

It would be highly unlikely to find pearls in such a place and natural pearls would rarely be so symmetrical. I have no idea what they could be. I suggest taking them to a trusted jeweler and ask him to take a look. Hopefully, he could give you an expert opinion and help you solve the mystery of what they are.

Do keep in touch and let us know what you find out. Thanks for taking the time to share.

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