Cape Cod Quahog Day

A clam-centric Cape Cod version of Groundhog Day happens on June 21, the first day of summer, on Cape Cod. But let’s start with the basics.

The hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) is known in New England as the quahog. (By the way, it’s pronounced co-hog and for those of you from the northwest, we’ll say gooey duck (geoduck) if you’ll say co-hog).

Quahog Day Events
The festivities, a Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce event, will start with the Quahog Prognostication where the Secretary General of the Quahog Republic, aka the Mashnee Island Grill, lets everyone know what the official quahog (as yet unnamed) has to say about the weather. In this case, how many weeks of beach weather are still to come.

Read entire article here.

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