Nano Technology Releases the "Pow" in Chinese Pearl Powder.
The benefits of Chinese pearl powder are within everyone's grasp.
Why Pearl Powder?
Pearl is secreted by pearl shells during their whole lives.
In the thousands of years of Chinese traditional medical history, pearl has been researched, used and recorded all the time. Modern analysis revealed that pearl contains 15~18 amino acids, over 20 microelements (including Zn, Ca, Mg, P, Fe etc.), several types of proteins and short peptides, EGF and some other active factors.
Effects of pearl were recorded by 19 traditional Chinese medical books, including the famous Pen-ts'ao Kan-mu, which was written by Li Shizhen (1518~1593) in Ming Dynasty and renowned in the world. It's recorded In volume 64 of Pen-ts'ao Kan-mu:
Pearl tastes salty and sweet, cold, nonpoisonous. Can tranquilize the nerve and brighten the eyes. Applied in the face, it makes skin softer and brighter; applied in hands and feet, it smoothens the skin. The other functions are: expelling sputum, reducing speckles, stopping diarrhea and orphan's scares & fever, stopping turbid spermatorrhea, treating whelk, detoxification.
Thousands of year’s of experiences have proved the above descriptions. Few of the beauty formulations which came down do not use Chinese pearl powder. Modern researches deepened studies of the principles of pearl's medical effects. These researches, including composition analysis, pharmacology and effectiveness experiments, provided affluent evidences for the traditional records and showed that:
The effective components of pearl powder engage in metabolism of the human body by promoting growth of new cells, supplying nutrients to skin (thus to make skin softer and smoother). Pearl powder can improve the activity of SOD, restrain synthesis of melanin (thus to make skin brighter). And because SOD eliminates free radicals, skin aging and wrinkles thus can be partially prevented. Natural pearl powder can also tranquilize nerves, improve sleep and dissipate fatigue.
By participating in DNA metabolism, pearl powder can accelerate heal of trauma, faucitis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and stop bleeding, Some other researches have shown that Chinese pearl powder has effects in resisting aging, radiation & cancer and adjusting immunity.
Amino acids contained in Chinese pearl powder include: Amino AcidsAspartic Acid, Thronine, Isoleucine, Serine, Alanine, Phenylanine, Arginine, Methionine, Lysine, and Glutamic Acid.
Why Nano Pearl Powder?
Absorption rate is essential to pearl powder because low rate means waste. Absorption rate has always been a problem because the special structure of pearls makes the nutrients hard to release out.
Nano technology changes the common use by greatly enlarging pearl powder's specific surface area (SSA), which is revealed to be highly positive correlative with absorption rate, e.g. the bigger the SSA is, the higher the absorption rate is.
SSA is the ratio between surface area and volume, e.g. SSA=surface area/volume. From this equation, we can find that the smaller particles bear larger SSA and thus are easier to be absorbed.
Nanometer, as a scale, is 1/1000 of 1μm (which is 1/1000 of 1mm). Nano Pearl Powder particle's diameter, measured by nanometer, is 1/1000 of micron-sized particles, so its SSA turns to be 100,000 times bigger than micron-sized particles.
Consequently, the internal locked nutrients of Chinese pearl powder will be easily released out and be absorbed by our body either through intestines or skin.
Compared to micron Chinese pearl powder, nano Chinese pearl powder is more effective and cost-efficient.
Chinese Pearl Powder Product Example
NPP Capsules (Family Pack)
The Family Pack is a money-saving choice, because the packing cost is controlled to the lowest level.
It is very suitable for consumers who take NPP on long-term basis. It can be shared by family members, and therefore save money.
The cover of the bottle is a considerate selection for easy use. You don't have to unscrew and screw it over and over again.
Product Details:
Ingredient--100% nanometer Chinese pearl powder
Shape & Property--White or almost white powder
Dosage--(For oral taking) 1~2 capsules each time, 3 times per day
Specification--250mg per capsule
Packing--Each bottle (made of aluminum film and plastic) contains 122 capsules, 6 bottles/box
Storage--Keep under cool and dry condition
Period of Validity--2 years
Why Nano Pearl Powder?
Information and photos on this pages used with permission from the Chinese pearl powder company Fenix
Fenix is 1st of the world to produce NPP (Nano Pearl Powder) with PUFT (Physical Ultra Fine Technology), before which, NPP was usually prepared by chemical methods, mainly are acidolysis and enzymolysis, either has to employ acids, enzymes or other chemicals, which on one hand help to prepare NPP, on the other destroy the original natural nutrients of pearls. As a result, many chemical and physical properties of pearl powder are radically changed—the chemical NPP is not pearl powder anymore.

It’s very hard to prepare NPP with physical methods for some unusual changes will happen to nanometer-sized particles. After years of cooperation with famous university and institutes, Fenix finally succeeded in producing NPP with physical methods, which was accredited by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology in end 2003.
With Fenix PUFT, the NPP particles are stabilized between 40nm~80nm in terms of diameter. Fenix NPP retains all natural nutrients of pearls and bears very delicate and pure taste, as well as extraordinary effectiveness.
As a modern Chinese pearl powder pharmacy company, Fenix is extremely responsible to customers and stringent with products. Fenix carefully selects material pearls to ensure the best quality and low heavy metals content; Fenix passed the most strict certification process of GMP and thus the best quality and safety are fundamentally guaranteed; Fenix attracted a colony of sincere and diligent professionals and acts its role as a qualified enterprise citizen.
The Chinese Pearl Powder Company, Fenix is led by Ph. D. Richard Ruan. Dr. Ruan's brother owns a pearl company which my sons and I visited while in China. They invited us to enjoy a deluxe Chinese meal with them. Sam and Matt did great with the hairy crab. Me? Well....maybe next time...
Go to main "About Pearls" page after Chinese Pearl Powder.
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