
by Mike Hirsch
(Belize )

Conch Shells

Conch Shells

The local fisherman in Belize are very poor and have many problems this year with finding people to buy these pearls. This is money they need to be able to live a life. The regular fishing is not do well when it comes to selling the fish and lobster and even the conch meat. I hope I can help them with getting these pearls sold and they can make some money for all there hard work.

I not easy diving on a breath of air up to 100ft sometimes and then find the conch and get it to the surface on one breath of air. The conch are found between 2ft of water to 100ft. In deep water the are usually very large and heavy. Some times the shell and meat weight up to 6 or 7 lbs. They try to pick up 2 at a time. That's not easy to bring to the top of the water and put in their dori boat that is tied to them with a rope at all times. Especially if the weather is up.

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Mar 02, 2015
got a melo pearl
by: john

I have just found a melo pearl in my last dive. I just do not know where to sell this thing. I really need your help. I think this is a good one.

Jan 12, 2010
contact me
by: Kari

Hello Mr. Harris,

Please contact me. You can either use my contact form by clicking here or emailing me at: karipearls(AT)gmail(DOT)com


Jan 10, 2010
My old friend
by: Ronald Harris

I've recently traveled to my home land St.Kitts Nevis. I met with an old friend that has been a fisherman all of his life. He told me how hard life is for him. He then open a little match box and show me a little pink stone then he asked, Do you know what this is? I answered no but it's lovely. He said it's a pearl I said what I've never seen a pearl in my life and I only know pearl to be white from my school days so he says I sit on the street corner every day praying for someone to buy it so I can eat. I then asked him if he can find more he reply I find them all the time. I then told him I'm planning a trip to Texas and i can see if I can find a buyer. I am presently in Texas and I visited some jewel stores and they never seen a conch pearl. I'm traveling back to Nevis and I didn't find a buyer so I looked on the internet and I found this site I hope it can be of some help to me and my friend.

Nov 11, 2009
Beautiful shells
by: Kari

Hi Mike,

Thank you for the lovely photo of the conch shells...true works of nature's art. I recently purchased a conch shell that had been made into a lamp and I love it!

I have sent you an email. I love helping out poor fishermen. (I'm a missionary at heart :)

Please reply to my email. I look forward to discussing this with you.

God bless!

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