Did I find a pearl on Drake Island Beach, Maine?

by Therese
(Wells, Maine)

Did I find a pearl?

Did I find a pearl?

My son and I went for a walk on Drake Island Beach today, our first time on that gorgeous beach. He said he wanted to find a pearl and did I think it was possible. Sure! As we were leaving the beach he said if he found a pearl he would rate the beach 10 out of 10. We walked a few more feet, I looked down, and found this! Could it be a pearl? Either way, he says he will keep it forever.

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Jan 24, 2023
Thanks for sharing.
by: Kari

Hello Therese,

Sounds like a fun afternoon with your son. And isn't it great that he wanted so badly to find a pearl. I do think that what's in the photo, however, is a slipper shell. Those are really fun, lovely shells that resemble a slipper.

I'm glad he decided to keep it either way and I hope he is enjoying it.

Thanks for sharing and God bless,

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