Dinner Pearl

by Elizabeth Humbert
(Virginia Beach, VA )

pearl side 1

pearl side 1

My family and I were eating at the Broken Egg Bistro in Chesapeake, VA; my mom wanted Oyster Rockefeller. As I ate my 2nd oyster, I realized something hard and big was also in my mouth with the oyster Rockefeller. I thought at first it was part of the shell broken off accidentally when I shucked it out, but when I dug it out of my mouth I realized it was a real pearl. The staff in the restaurant were surprised too!!! It is white and purple and about the size of a coco puff. I probably isn't worth anything but its worth something to me, I almost swallowed it, good thing I chew my food well. :)

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May 27, 2013
Love the color
by: Kari

Hi Elizabeth,

I love the coloring on your pearl. Rarely is purple a color of an oyster pearl and yours is a good size too - coco puff size. Good description. You are right about them not having much value, but yours might have more than most because of the color and size. I'm glad it's a treasure to you and I'm sure you've been enjoying it in some way. That restaurant could start advertizing that folks find pearls in their oysters! Thank you for telling us and showing the nice pearl you have.

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