First Date

by Nicole
(Elizabeth City, NC)

Met a guy via the internet and after a few phone conversations we decided to spend New Years Eve together. We had such a great date that we wanted to spend more time together the following day, so on January 1, 2011 we drove to The Outer Banks, I live in North Carolina, and went to get oysters for lunch.

As we sat there chatting and enjoying the oysters Eddie gets this funny look on his face and pulls a pearl from his mouth. I have found may tiny pearls over the years but not one this large. We have held on to it and intend on having fashioned in to jewelery at some point.

We have no idea how big it will be or what it will look like polished but it doesn't matter. Our date that turned in to a weekend that has since turned in to 6 months the man, love the pearl and love to tell the story.

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Jun 19, 2013
Perhaps a special ring in the future ...
by: Anonymous

What a GREAT story to tell and a lovely reminder of your first days together!!

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