Gulf of Mexico pearls

by Samuel
(Aransas county, Texas)

Gulf of Mexico pearls

Gulf of Mexico pearls

After every oyster season I have good luck finding pearls washed up. Would love to be able to have a couple large round pearls appraised!

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Apr 21, 2023
by: Kari

Hello Samuel,

So, let me understand. You find these on the beach? After oyster season? Can you explain that more? So folks fish for oysters during the season and you find these washed up afterward?

I agree, these are large and round. Not really what I'd expect from oysters though.

I don't appraise pearls, sorry about that. But it would be worth it for you to have them certified. That would certainly help in evaluating them.

If you need help with getting them certified, you can contact me here.

Thanks for sharing. It must be fun to find these. I'd love to hear more.

God bless,

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