I found a pearl in NYC... I think...

by Joe Martin
(Brooklyn, New York)

My NY Oyster?

My NY Oyster?

I was having oysters with my girlfriend and some friends in NYC last night when I noticed a "lump" in one of my oysters after eating it. I washed out the shell and took it home suspecting that it could be a pearl of some sort. I know basically nothing about pearls, other than what I've read from this site, but I am curious about what I have and what to do with it, if anything. Thanks.


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Jul 04, 2015
Looks like a blister pearl
by: Kari

Hello Joe,

That looks like a blister pearl. A pearl that is attached to the shell is called a blister pearl. That's sure to be what it is.

There would be no monetary value except perhaps to a collector who specialized in blister pearls.

It is an interesting curiosity and someone may purchase it. I have a section on my site for blister pearls. If you'd like to list it there, check out this page and let me know if you have questions.

Otherwise it can be a nice keepsake and conversation piece for you.

Thank you for sharing! Yours is unusual because of the dark color. Most edible oyster pearls that folks tell us about are whitish.

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