I keep wishing to find a pearl

by Karen

I keep wishing that one day I will find a pearl. That will be one special pearl to me.


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Jun 09, 2008
Me too!
by: Kari

Hi Karen,

Yes and you're not the only one hoping to someday find a pearl. Imagine how exciting it must be.

Two days ago a gal stopped by my home to buy some pearls and told me how years ago, she and her father used to dig for clams in Kansas and now she has a collection of pearls. And lots of people in my city too have an envelope of pearls tugged away in some drawer. Their grandmother or grandfather had found them during the pearl button rush days long ago.

Even I found a tiny pearl several years ago, but silly me, I didn't keep proper track of, so it's lost.

Keep hoping, Karen....Seek and you will find!

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