I've Found a Bunch of Blue Mussel Pearls?!

by Texas Hayman
(Boerne, Texas)

Dark Blue/ black pearl

Dark Blue/ black pearl

Hello, my name is Texas Hayman and I come to Camden, ME every year. I have a bottle of at least 30 pearls that I have found and I'm curious if they are worth anything? Could you please reply to tell me what you think? I have a pic of one of them but they all are about the same size in purple, white, and dual colors. Thank you for your help.

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Jul 04, 2015
All natural pearls have some value
by: Kari

Hi Texas, Congrats on finding natural blue mussel pearls. All natural pearls are special in one way or another, if only for sentimental value. Yes, your blue mussel pearls do have value, although the value is not huge. I have a page where I sell blue mussel pearls. These can be used for all sorts of lovely jewelry or sometimes folks want one to add to their natural pearl collection.

Since they are small, it's nice to sell them in a group. You are welcome to add yours for sale to my site, if you like. Check this page for more information on how to do that and let me know if you have questions.

Thanks for sharing! It must have been fun finding so many pearls!

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