Jesse's Pearl

by Rebecca Davis
(Panama City Beach, Florida)

PIcture of the pearl next to a screw

PIcture of the pearl next to a screw

It is 11:25 September 3, 2010. We got some fresh Apilachicola Oysters to eat raw. My fiance loves them. He came running in and had bit down on something and I looked at it and it was definitely a pearl. It is about the size of a red hot candy or the size of a bigger nerd candy. It's white. It looks similar to the pictures that I seen on here of the scallop pearls. We are surely surprised by this find. We have been down on our luck lately and this put a smile on our faces to find something that is supposed to be a RARE find. Has anyone else found a pearl out of an oyster shell out of the GULF or Apilachicola oysters before??

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Mar 15, 2011
found a akoya pearl
by: daniel

hi my name daniel. i live in bundaberg queensland i was fishing the other day i was eating some oysters at one of the local beaches and found a what i think a akoya pearl it is in very good condition and near round it is 5 to6mm long and white with a thin black stripe on it. its very shinny. i want to no if its worth any thing?.sunian

Dec 11, 2010
Lucky pearl find
by: Kari

Hello Rebecca,

Wow, I'd be very surprised too to find a pearl in my meal! It sounds exciting and makes me want to run out and buy some oysters or clams. I actually did find a very small pearl once and didn't take very good care of it is now lost. Had I known that I'd grow in my love and interest in pearls I would have put it in a special place.

What did you decide to do with your pearl. It might be nice in a ring or cage pendant so you can always remember how blessed you are.

Thank you for the photo and story about finding your pearl in Apilachicola oysters.

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