Maybe it's the natural pearl.

by Dara

Could this be A Natural Pearl?

Could this be A Natural Pearl?


I have the pearl necklace and maybe one piece is the natural pearl.


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Apr 23, 2009
I'm curious
by: Kari

Hello Dara,

I'm curious why you picked out this particular pearl from all the rest and think maybe it's a natural pearl?

Do you know the history of your pearl necklace, like age, origin, previous owners, etc?

The only way you can really be sure if that pearl is natural is to have it tested by professionals.

I suggest you try the GIA lab and they could confirm your suspicion about that pearl being natural.

Clicking on the above GIA will open up a new window and bring you to their website.

Good luck in your search...please let me know what you find out...I'm very interested, as you know, in pearls!

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