Melo Melo and Conch Pearl Stick Pins

by Tony

Melo Melo and Conch Pearl Stick Pins

Melo Melo and Conch Pearl Stick Pins

A couple of stick pins from the UK.

Not many people in the UK seems to have heard of them until a recent episode of The Antiques Roadshow.

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Sep 21, 2024
Are they for sale? NEW
by: Anonymous

Please let us know if they are for sale!

Jul 11, 2023
by: Kari

Hello Tony,

Wow, neat. I love them. Can you tell us more about how you came about to have them? Were they family pieces? Did you buy them in UK?

I like that one has the box, even though well worn.

I enjoy watching the Antique Roadshow. Wish I had seen this segment. Maybe I can search and find it.

Thanks so much for sharing.

Treasures for sure!

Lucky you.

God bless,

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