Pearl in a mussel

by June


I've recently (only 6 days ago) become very obsessed with pearls. I've looked up how they form, culturing pearls, rare pearls, pearl parties, story of finds; reading and watching anything I can on pearls.

I don't normally eat oysters/clams/mussels but my husband bought some mussels so I decided to eat some. It's funny because I've been so into pearls for this past week so naturally i thought about finding a pearl in one of these mussels. I even pictured it and pictured that it would be too small for anything. A dozen mussels later, i bit into something hard. I was trying to slowly chew it in case it was just a piece of peanut we garnished it with. I couldn't find it but didn't want to swallow it so i spit it out and found a very tiny pearl! It's not a round pearl. I has a flat back.

This was from a box of frozen mussels. So I was just wondering what kind of pearl it is and if its real? I don't know how it could be fake but it it just looks so perfectly round on top with a flat back? the only thing is, it's kind of dull and the opal-like color is only easily seen on the flat side.

I'm extremely thrilled anyway! but any insight would be great!
Thanks for reading!

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Feb 22, 2017
by: Kari

Hi June,

It's almost like you "dreamed" your pearl into existence! Funny how you were learning about them and then thinking of finding one. I love it when that happens!

A pearl is always known for the mollusk it comes from. Quahog pearls are from quahogs, conch pearls are from conchs, etc. So whatever type of mussels you were eating, that's the type of pearl you have.

You are right, certainly it cannot be fake but a real pearl. Not all pearls are lustrous.

I hope you really enjoy that pearl and so something special with it so you don't lose it.

God bless and keep learning about pearls. There's nothing else quite like them on earth.

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