Quahogs Replenished

In 2004, the Rhode Island Shellfishermen’s Association teamed up with researchers at Roger Williams University to replenish Narragansett Bay’s quahog population. Now fishermen are reaping the benefits of a continuing effort to seed local waters with hundreds of thousands of baby quahogs.

In December, the state Department of Environmental opened the planting area at the mouth of the Potowomut River, in Warwick, to harvesting. A survey by Roger Williams biologist Dale Leavitt found that nearly one-third of the area’s catch thus far was planted in 2004.

Read entire article here.

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Mar 31, 2008
good news
by: Kari

This will be good news to all the Quahog lovers who have been contributing to this site...as there are sure to be some pearls found.

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