Red Abalone Pearl

by Michael Rowan
(Seattle wa.)

Red Abalone Pearl

Red Abalone Pearl

This Pearl has been in my family for over 30 years and I am excited to share the beauty of it with others. I was given a gunny sack of abalone shells my father got while diving on the California coast. One shell had 3 pearls in it. This is a picture of the biggest.

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Jun 11, 2012
by: Anonymous

I hate to burst your bubble, but the spherical looking things inside of a abalone shell are not pearls. Those are actually bugs that try to get through the abalone shell to eat the abalone, but the abalone creates layers of their inner shell over the bug to protect themselves, that is what you have. An abalone pearl is found attached to the wall of the gut sack in an abalone.

Jun 22, 2010
Auction house appraisals
by: Kari

Hello Michael,

One option for getting a free appraisal is to go to an auction house on their appraisal days. Many auction houses, such as Bonhams & Butterfields, have these free appraisal days in many different cities.

If it's convenient, it's a nice way to get a ballpark estimate on the worth of your pearl.

Here's the link to the Bonham & Butterfield's site to get you started on your search:

Bonham's Appraisal Days

Jun 21, 2010
Red Abalone Pearl
by: Michael Rowan

Would be very interested in finding out the value of this pearl.Perhaps someone would be willing to give me some advice about how I may go about doing this?

Jun 19, 2010
by: Kari

Hey, that's a beautiful blister pearl. A nice unexpected treasure. Have you made it into a pendant? How are you displaying or enjoying these pearls? Thank you, Michael, for sharing.

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