Saltwater Pearls

by Robert



While working on a Island in Wash. state, I walked down to the water. Out a ways into the water I saw something in the sand. I believe it to be a saltwater pearl. To make a long story short I now have found 82 of these. They seem to come in with the tide. They are mostly marble sized and round. I will have a gemologist look at them but wondering what you thought by the pictures. I am going back for more. Thank you, Robert

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Aug 02, 2008
Yes, have a gemologist look at them
by: Kari

Hello Robert,

I can't imagine what else they could be except pearls. The chances of finding so many round, lustrous, natural pearls in one location sounds totally incredible and I would say almost impossible, but then "all things are possible", right?

Yes, certainly have a gemologist look at them.

The photo you uploaded is beautiful....I would go back for more too.

Please be sure to let us know the conclusion of the gemologist as nothing can be ascertained by a photo alone.

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