Tennis with Pearls Anyone?
Tennis with pearls anyone?
By TOM BONE Bluefield Daily Telegraph
the Bluefield High School girls, maybe their pearls had something to do with it.
The entire team adopted their new coach’s trademark string of pearls to take to the courts in the Region III tournament.

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Bluefield coach Cathy Bailey told her team she was “going to bring something to the table” in discussions about the postseason.
“You never see me without a turtleneck or pearls,” she said. “So I said, ‘I want you to wear pearls. It’s an Audrey Hepburn thing. It brings grace.’ So if we have good sportsmanship and grace, hopefully it’ll bring us luck.”
She said Tuesday she thought it had. “The girls like it. They feel dressed up,” she said.
More about tennis with pearls anyone