Unique purple pink and lavender pearls - kinda ugly?'

by Lisa
(Hawaii )

Aloha, I'd Love to know more about these kinda weird looking pearls that I was gifted a few years ago from a very well-to-do lady who no longer wanted them. They were originally strung as a necklace but she said it broke and she could never be bothered to get them restrung. They're all misshapen, a variety of shades of purples, lavender, pinks and some even kinda gold. They've been sitting at the bottom of my craft box (I make jewelry) for 2/3 years and I came across them last night and they resparked my interest in finding out more about them. I googled purple pearl and scrolled thru the various images and was excited to find 4 that look very very similar to the ones I have. According to your website here they're rare Tampico pearly mussel pearls?? Could you take a peek and let me know what you think? Much love and aloha xxx

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May 11, 2017
Look like dyed cultured pearls
by: Kari

Hello Lisa,

Thanks for your question and photo.

To me your pearls look like dyed cultured Chinese pearls.

Natural pearls are very rare and it would be nearly impossible to find so many double pearls in these colors in the wild.

But it's good you check. They still are lovely and would be fun to use in some sort of jewelry.

Have fun making them into something!

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