Pearl Breast Feeding Bracelet
Keep track of breastfeeding progress with a pearl breast feeding bracelet.
Guest writer, Erika, of Love Your Baby has presented me with this superb breast feeding tip of using my lovely pearl bracelets as reminders of breast feeding progress.
Erika Says:
Many moms have asked me this question – "How do I keep track of which side I just nursed my baby on?"
I have come across many suggestions on how to keep track and one of my favorites is a special pearl bracelet made by Kari.
I especially like the double wrap pearl bracelet because it doesn’t have a clasp so you can just slip it on and off and from the left to right wrist.

Pearl Breastfeeding Bracelet
These handy bracelets are great for helping you to remember which side you last nursed on and they are very attractive.
The bracelet is made with freshwater pearls and wraps around your wrist. There is no clasp to fuss with, which is helpful for ease of use.
There's no two-handed juggling while your precious baby is nestled in your arms.
As babies get older and more curious, they like to look at the pretty shinny pearls while you nurse or while you’re just holding your baby in your arms!
Another option is to buy Kari's sister's baby bib and get a free pearl baby bracelet and use that to mark nursing sides.

Baby Breast Feeding Bracelet
Erika of Love Your Baby
For more information and breastfeeding support please visit Erika's informative site:
Breastfeeding Magazine is another great resource for breastfeeding baby with confidence, style, grace and knowledge.
Kari Says:
As a mother of seven, yes, seven, children (now all rather grown up), I can easily relate and remember the need for a breastfeeding bracelet which is a handy reminder.
Why not feel like the Queen you are when breastfeeding your little princes and princesses?
More information about these bracelets.
Breast Feeding Bracelet
Freshwater Pearl Baby Bracelets
Purchase a Breast Feeding Bracelet
Sorry, these are no longer available.

White Wrap Bracelets
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