Chesapeake Bay Scallop Pearl?

by Alicia
(Maryland, USA)

Chesapeake Bay Scallop Pearl?

Chesapeake Bay Scallop Pearl?

My fiance and I were sifting for shark teeth near the Calvert Cliffs in Maryland a few days ago when we came across this very symmetrical little white marble with a dimple on one side. It wasn't very shiny and we didn't recognize it as a pearl but took it home anyway. With some further research we learned that some pearls are "non-nacreous" so we're wondering if this might actually be a pearl. Pictured with quarter for scale.

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Aug 07, 2019
by: Kari

Hello Alicia,

It could very well be a pearl. Difficult to tell totally from a photo.

Maybe a local jeweler could tell by seeing it in person.

Rare to find a pearl outside of the shell, but totally possible!

At any rate, it's a lovely object and enjoy it!

God bless,

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