by James Conlon
(Rockland County, NY)

Quahog Beauty

Quahog Beauty

I was out to eat and found this pearl. I'm not sure about it. Looking to pawn. Very big, at least 1 gram and 4.5mm.

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Oct 19, 2008
by: Mary Nappi

wow. look at this article i have just found online.

looks like that pearl must be worth a lot more than $4,500.

i'll offer $15,000. but i doubt that will even come close to what the owner will want after reading this article.

Oct 19, 2008
by: Sam

i will make an offer for $4,500.

Oct 19, 2008
by: Kari

Hello Bill,

I'd be happy to get you in touch with the owner of this pearl, so please contact me.

Natural pearls are normally sold per carat weight and 1 gram (the estimated weight of this pearl) is 5 carats.

It's my personal opinion that your offer is higher than it needs to be, but if this quahog pearl is exactly what you want, that's worth something as well.

A wholesale dealer would most likely pay less than $200/carat for this color of quahog pearl, but naturally it would sell for more at retail.

Oct 18, 2008
by: Bill Tierney

Does anyone know how much this could possibly be worth? it looks beautiful. I'm willing to spend $2,500. Is it worth that much? I love the color and I think the size of this is perfect for a ring for my girlfriend.

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