Digby Fisherman- Scallop Pearls

by Duston
(Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada)

I was born and raise in Digby, Nova Scotia. My family has been Scallop Fishermen for generations. I started at the age of 13 and now I am 33 of age. I have been collecting scallop pearls for years, I am still a scallop fisherman and was just out a week ago and found 50 scallop pearls. We have a fishing area that the vessels go to ever summer which is know as Area #29, and last year in 4 weeks I have collect 14,000 scallop pearls, I have been selling my pearls to a local market. Scallop's pearls comes in various shapes and sizes. Some sizes very are unique in shape. Some even are very long in shape..I have also sold a few pearls across the internet. Again, I have been collecting pearls for a very long time..I will always have them, I have some that are 7kt. round, different colors from grey&white, white&brown, butterscotch, brown&golden, snow white, clear white, black and the pearls is one of the rarest in the world and one of the most precious pearls in the world...

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Apr 10, 2009
Thank you for sharing
by: Kari


Thank you for sharing you story about scallop pearls. I would love to see photos of these pearls. They sound lovely. I have only seen the white scallop pearls and not the colored ones. Be sure to add a photo if you can sometime.

It seems that you have quite a collection of these pearls....lucky you!

I've been to Nova Scotia only once and for a short visit but I did enjoy eating scallops from the Bay of Fundy. I also got caught in a snowstorm which caused my flight to be canceled. It was a funny situation because the airport staff put us stranded passengers up for the night in the chapel complete with blankets and pillows. It's the first time I spent the night under a church pew!

I'm glad you are enjoying collecting scallop pearls. It is fascinating! I love natural pearls!

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