Egg shaped quahog pearl and looks like an eye

by Jen
(Southampton, NY)

The side with the crack

The side with the crack

We dug some clams for lunch a couple days ago. We grilled them lightly just enough to make them pop open. Because they were still so soft, I luckily felt this pearl before I chomped down. It does have a crack down one side but I feel so blessed to have found this. It made our family vacation so special to have this fun surprise during lunch!

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Dec 12, 2022
Oh, wow!
by: Kari

Hello Jen,

Lucky you...folks hope to find these all their lives and you found one!! That doesn't happen every day.

I hope you were able to make something special out of it so you can enjoy it and wear it.

I love the color variety in lovely.

Thanks so much for sharing.

God bless,

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