Lubec Maine Comercial fishermen

by Joseph Keene
(Lubec Maine U.S.A)

big pearl

big pearl

I have finally managed to upload some pictures of my pearls. All of these pearls were found inside of Cobscook bay scallops. As commercial fishermen the state allows us 90 pounds of meat a day, thats 800 pounds of whole shell we have to shuck through and averages out to about 2500 scallops give or take. The speed at which we shuck them allows for minimal pearl recovery(I am lucky to find ten a day).
The season is short(around forty days in the winter) allowing us to fish for them on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. Still, I have managed to get quit a collection over the years and as much as I love them I have a family of 4 with a new member expected in February. with that being said all of my pearls are for sale.
I also have a wide variety of blister pearls and have access to blue muscle pearls as well as fresh water clam pearls.

Joseph Keene
A.K.A The Codfish Kid

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Aug 07, 2019
So interesting
by: Kari

That's so interesting. 90 pounds of meat per day sounds like so much to me, especially when that means 800 pounds of whole shell.

Wow, I can't imagine doing that. I'd love to be able to observe that process someday!

And to find 10 pearls a day also sounds amazing!

I like the unique flame pattern in scallop pearls. I'm planning on trying to drill some soon and make some simple jewelry pieces with them along with some gemstones.

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Thanks and God bless,

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