Wearable Mother Pearl Wholesale
Mother pearl wholesale -- here is your chance to buy these vintage MOP American-made historic souvenir necklaces at wholesale prices. Use them for gifts or resell them.
These pearl button necklaces are half price -- wholesale prices -- when purchased in groups of 10.
If you want just one a couple, they are still only $10 each which is a steal for an authentic USA vintage pearl button neatly hung from an 18" sterling silver chain.
But....you get a super-duper deal if you buy in groups of 10. Then they are only $5.00 each! That's half price and will give you 10 amazing gifts for your friends or 10 USA historical souvenir necklaces to sell in your shop or on your website.
These pearl buttons were made here where I live in Muscatine, Iowa, an old river town on the Mississippi River.
For each group of 10 you will get two colored button necklaces.
The other eight will be white but in a variety of shapes and styles...each unique and special.
Here is a sample of the ten you will receive.
 Mother Pearl Wholesale Necklaces |
They are already on neat cardboard backings with the chain safely tucked into a plastic bag in the bag making these "sale or gift ready".
You will receive two different colors plus the white ones. You may mention your favorite colors and I'll do my best to send your color choices.
This is a great deal and with a sterling silver chain you can't beat the price.
These are some of the colors available in these vintage MOP wholesale necklaces.
Muscatine, Iowa, "The Pearl of the Mississippi" was once bustling pearl button center and is situated on a bend in the Mississippi River. The river actually flows east to west here, which can really be confusing to someone like me who grew up in Minnesota learning north and south because of the Mississippi River.
Apparently, because of this turn in the river, a vast amount of mussels bedded down here making it an ideal location for shell gathering. The shells then were made into buttons.

The history has never been lost and interest is once again growing in our city's colorful history.
Just last Sunday there was a shell button cutting demonstration in front of our local pearl button museum, which is a "must see" if you're in the area.
Buy Mother Pearl Wholesale Necklaces
Ready to purchase some unique gifts or things for your shop? Good. If you're not thrilled, just let me know and I'll gladly refund your payment. Payment options are Paypal or check.
Get 10 for $50 which includes free shipping. Or 1-9 for $10 each which also includes free shipping.
Buy in Groups of Ten for $50
Buy Single Necklaces for $10 Each
Send Checks or Money Orders to
Kari Anderson
1575 Underwood Avenue
Muscatine, IA 52761
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