Ms Jolene Smyth Found a Pearl

by Jolene Smyth

I'm not sure what kind off pearl it is. I order mussels and as I was eating them I bit something hard and out popped a small pearl. I was a very happy person. Is it lucky to find one?

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Aug 26, 2018
Lucky Indeed
by: Chris Rogers

I would count you doubly lucky to have found one and NOT to have broken a tooth to do so!! I'd say you were doubly blessed.

Mar 08, 2010
Most mussels are freshwater
by: Kari

Hi Jolene,

The more I hear about people finding natural pearls, the more I want to start ordering mussels and oysters, but I really don't eat out that often and I'm not even sure they are for sale here locally. I love hearing these stories.

Most mussels live in freshwater, but there are "Blue Mussels" that live in the Pacific Ocean, that are naturally saltwater mussels. (I have some nice blue pearls from these blue mussels that I need to get on my site.)

Most likely, your mussel was freshwater, and if so, then you have a natural freshwater pearl! Lucky you!

I hope you find something special to do with it. It will be a wonderful keepsake.

Thank you so much for sharing!

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