My Purple Pearl 10 Years Later

by Kay Shore
(Phoenix, AZ)

Hello. In June of 1998, my self and new husband were on our honeymoon in Rocky Point (Puerto Penasco) Mexico. My husband would dive every day at low tide for clams and mollusks and we would have them cooked and eat them.

One of the days as I was eating, I bit down on something hard. It was a pearl. A funny purple colored one. We thought it was really cool and kept it.

For 10 years it has been in a jewelery case, and we forgot about it.

Our 10 year anniversary is here, and I was out of town, and my husband decided to put that pearl in a ring for me. He went to the usual mall stores, where they could not help him. He was referred to a small mom and pop store. The day he was there the appraiser happened to be there and when he saw the pearl, he said, Oh my gosh, I have only seen four of these in 30 years!!

He told my husband the name of it and all about it.

My pearl was cooked, and is small, so monetarily it is not that great, HOWEVER, given how we found it, and the fact they are not easily found, it is priceless to us and will become a family ring to be passed on.

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Jun 23, 2008
Yes, a Treasure
by: Kari

Hello Kay,

What a delightful story about rediscovering your purple pearl after 10 years and having it made into a keepsake ring. I think that's a splendid idea and like you said, the monetary value may not be as high as it could have been without being cooked and all that, but it still is a very special pearl and I'm glad you decided to have it made into a ring.

If you'd like to add a photo, just contact me and you can send a photo to my email and I can add it to this page.

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your wonderful natural pearl story!

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