Pearl in a little neck clam

by Amanda Marie Mazza (Appleyard)
( NJ, USA )

Pearl in a little neck clam

Pearl in a little neck clam

My father in law made little neck clams for Mother’s Day. I had already eaten around 8 clams and was having another and I bit in something hard, I initially thought it was a piece of the shell but then I felt with my tongue it was actually inside the clam and I instantly thought it was a pearl. So I pulled it out of my mouth and it was. My father in law came over to look and he’s was like she’s not kidding lol. My mother in law and sister in law all still thought I was joking until I showed them. I felt so lucky, that has never happened to me before. I recently became interested in pearls because we went to French Polynesia for our honeymoon and I am obsessed with black pearls and how they are formed/farmed. I even bought a beautiful white gold necklace with two black pears on it. Hope you enjoy this story!

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Feb 23, 2023
Oh, wow.
by: Kari

Hello Amanda,

I love hearing stories like this! Congratulations for sure. What fun.

I was eyeing the Quahog Cherrystone clams (a bigger version of Little Neck clams) the other day at our local grocery store, thinking I should buy some.

Now I'm thinking I should buy some of these often and hopefully find a pearl like you did.

Good thing you had the inspiration to know it was a pearl. I just heard from another lady who tossed one into the garbage, only to be awakened in the middle of the night with the realization that "maybe it was a pearl!" So she got up and found it in the garbage.

Such great stories about these quahog pearls!

I hope you can find a jeweler to make something special with it for you so you can remember God's gracious love to you by letting you find a pearl.

Thanks for sharing and God bless, Kari

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