Pearl or marble?

by Till
(New-Brunswick, Canada)

In this picture, the turquoise rectangle on the sphere is the reflecttion of my phone case (if any confusion)

In this picture, the turquoise rectangle on the sphere is the reflecttion of my phone case (if any confusion)

Recently, I was at a small beach in Shediac, New-Brunswick, when I saw a patch of around 50 hermit crabs gathered in the same place. I looked closely and realized they were fighting for a blueish pearl of around 15mm of diameter, which I think is pretty big for a saltwater pearl and around the size of a marble. The pearl is a perfect sphere, and the reflections on it are sharp and clear. I have done some research, but i'm not sure if the sphere is a marble or a saltwater pearl. Could anyone tell me what it is? Thank you.

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Aug 11, 2023
I would say
by: Kari

Hello Till,

Yes, I would say that's pretty big and perfect for a saltwater pearl but maybe someone can help shed some light on it for you. The photos turned out sort of squashed, so it doesn't look round anymore but one can use an imagination.

I think it's funny that hermit crabs were gathering around it. Wonder why.

Thanks for sharing and hopefully someone will respond but it does look like glass doesn't it.

God bless,

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