Scallop Pearl in the Poke Ordered from Fish Market

by Maureen
(Honolulu, HI)

Back in the 80's, I ordered a pound of scallop poke from the fish counter at our super market. I took a bite, and bit down on something hard. I spit it out and found a small, pink blister pearl! I was amazed. The best thing I've found in my food, ever. My son lost it, but it was unforgettable nonetheless.

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Apr 02, 2020
Hello Dining in Hilton Head
by: Kari

Wow, neat that you both found a pearl! I hope you checked out the other scallops for pearls even if you didn't eat them. Funny story. Thanks for sharing! Now you are a "Pearl Finder"!

Nov 09, 2019
Dining in Hilton Head
by: Anonymous

Like another poster we were celebrating 60th birthdays at a restaurant! My friend and I ordered the same broiled seafood combo and almost simultaneously we both bit into what we were told was a pearl. I was so very thankful I didn't break a tooth. I didn't want to risk eating anymore and the dish was way too overloaded with a seasoning to my liking anyway!They did explain what it was and since I was unsatisfied with the entire dish, took it off the bill. My friends that were with us that live in FL and scallop and are pretty nature savvy had never heard of one before, nor had any of us. I will be very mindful when eating scallops from now on.

Aug 28, 2018
Keep Searching!
by: Chris Rogers

So sad you lost your first treasure; I'll bet you cherish the memory and look forward to your next discovery!!

Mar 22, 2010
I Lost a natural pearl too
by: Kari


I enjoyed reading about your scallop pearl discovery. Sorry that your son lost it, but I also have found and lost a natural oyster pearl. I thought for sure that I had it in a jewelry box, but cannot find it now. That happens, but still makes it an exciting find!

Thanks for sharing!

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