"Summer Thanksgiving" Provided Something Extra In Bounty!

by Ashley K.
(New Jersey, USA)

Quahog pearl

Quahog pearl

My boyfriend and I did a "Summer Thanksgiving" where we threw a bunch of seafood (clams, lobsters, shrimp, scallops) and steak on the grill to pig out! During this years event, he spit something on his plate. At first we thought it was a pebble. The more we looked at it, and some research, we realized it was a pearl! 1 in 2 Million clams to be exact! It's not perfect, and not worth anything, but it really made our Summer Thanksgiving!

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Sep 11, 2018
Hello Ashley
by: Kari

Hello Ashley,

Wow, what a fun idea. Wish I could have joined you at your annual celebration!

And how great is that to find a quahog pearl.

Thanks for sharing the photos and your adventure with all of us.

God bless,

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